Monday, November 8, 2010



A          BASIS :
            Cost of Metro in Mumbai as Accepted by MMRDA :

1.      Elevated Metro                -        `   200 crores per km.
2.      Underground Metro         -        `   600 crores per km.

COST OF LINE 1 – VAG ROUTE – Fully Elevated

11.1 km. @ `  200 crores = ` 2,220 Crores
(As per Concession Agreement  ` 2,350 Crores)

COST OF LINE 2 – CBM ROUTE – Fully Elevated

32 km. @ ` 200 crores = ` 6,400 crores
(As per Concession Agreement   `    8,250 Crores)
(As per Reliance Infra                    ` 11,000 Crores)

B          MMRDA’s  Total Budget for Mumbai Metro for 9 Routes

Approx. 147.50 km.   (10.5 km. Underground and 137 km. Elevated)

In 2004            `   19,000 crores
In 2009            `   47,500 crores 


OPTION 1 :      1/3 Underground and 2/3 Elevated

   50.0 km. Underground Metro  @ ` 600 = ` 30,000 crores
100.0 km.  Elevated Metro         @ ` 200 = ` 20,000 crores
                                                                   ` 50,000 crores (Almost MMRDA’s budget)

OPTION 2 :      50% Underground and 50% Elevated :

  75.0 km. Underground Metro  @ `  600 = ` 45,000 crores
  75.0 km.  Elevated Metro        @ `  200 = ` 15,000 crores
                                                                    ` 60,000 crores
(` 12,500 crores additional from MMRDA’s budget)


OPTION 3 :      2/3 Underground and 1/3 Elevated:

100.0 km. Underground Metro @ ` 600 =  ` 60,000 crores
  50.0 km. Elevated Metro        @ ` 200 = ` 10,000 crores
                                                                 70,000 crores 
(` 22,500 crores additional from MMRDA’s Budget)

Jagdeep Desai's Response: DLF III residents are scared of Rapid Metro - Times of India, 5th Nov, 2010

Times of India: 5th Nov, 2010 
Absolutely with this.

In fact personally, MMRDA, and indeed, GOM,  is going about this the wrong way.

If MMRDA wants to 'develop the region', then it should totally concentrate on the region, and not Mumbai at all.

The first most important infrastructure element is adequate water supply to the inner and remote areas of MMR, and in fact the more drought prone.

People don't just enter Mumbai because of job prospects, etc., they are mostly distress migration, or, as should be adequately clear, due to the contractors bringing in huge numbers of cheap labour from neighbouring states, not even rest of Maharashtra, to work on these flyovers, skywalks, metro, monorail, etc.

They then are abandoned by the contractors once the projects are over, because they will get new and cheaper labour for the next hundred crores project, etc.

These are the poor fellows who then have to stay in hutments on footpaths, etc., since they can neither go back, nor are employed on projects because they are costlier than  the next lot.
If the rural areas are given adequate water supply, most problems of farmers will be solved.

The more investment to try and apparently solve such problems is only bringing more population and congestion to Mumbai in a never ending situation, cycle of slow destruction.


Jagdeep Desai

HT, on the slow, slow, slow metro - Jagdeep Desai


Some reading matter, on over head metro in Gurgaon

And in HT, on the slow, slow, slow metro

The funniest part of MMRDA's 68 per cent complete is the utter illogic and inanity of the statement.

They really need to tell Mumbai how they arrived at this figure, the formula used.

Is it something like this

83 per cent piling complete + 63 per cent pile caps complete + 63 per cent of columns built + 45 per cent of viaducts fitted on 63 per cent of columns + 30 per cent of superstructure of stations + 61 metres of railway over bridge steel truss, ready in Kolkata workshop without drawings approved by Western Railway + signalling hardware complete for despatch + software for signalling being tested in house + few coaches tested  on 50 metre track at 38 per cent complete Versova yard + daily press feeds by MMRDA + plus minus other miscellaneous things = 68 per cent complete


I scream, you scream, we all scream.



GO UNDERGROUND - Mumbai Mirror - 29th Oct, 2010

Posted On Friday, October 29, 2010 at 05:21:11 PM
Shyama Kulkarni writes on why the underground metro will make more sense than the elevated model Almost 20 NGOs across Mumbai, especially from the suburbs, have been protesting against an elevated metro and demanding an underground metro. Let us make it very clear to the authorities and to fellow Mumbaikars that we are not against development. We do want a metro BUT we want it to go underground.

It all began in December, 2008, when letters went to the MMRDA commissioner, Ratnakar Gaikwad. After a few meetings which yielded no results, we were asked to make presentations before the Urban Development Principal Secretary, TC Benjamin. 

In spite of these initial protests, work on Phase I began and continues at a snail’s pace.So, on September 19, 2010, citizens decided to take to the streets. Almost 5,000 Mumbaikars had a peaceful rally in Juhu, Santacruz, Khar and Bandra and spoke in one voice demanding an underground metro. This was followed by a protest march on October 18, 2010, from Bandra Talao to the MMRDA office where a memorandum was handed over. As we go to print, more than five PILs which have been filed are coming up for hearing.
But what are we asking for and why?
MMRDA insists on an elevated metro. We feel it will only increase road congestion and traffic anarchy. It will take away our pavements, our open spaces to build elevated stations (which will be put to commercial use) and add to air and noise pollution.

MMRDA insists an underground metro is three times costlier.We feel that investments and cost benefits must be understood in the larger interests of the next few generations. This is long term planning where funds must be made available before projects begin. Besides, the financial contribution from the suburbs far exceeds that from the island city.

MMRDA is planning an underground metro for the island city as it is more densely populated. We know that two-thirds of the population of Greater Mumbai lives in the suburbs.
a) An underground metro takes probably less time. Thanks to the latest tunneling technology, doing away with complex land acquisition and no frequent stoppage due to litigations.
b) The elevated metro has no expansion potential; it has only a linear North-South plan. Underground, the metro can expand in multiple directions.
c) Underground metro will enable better road planning to not only increase traffic dispersal speed but more importantly, an efficient Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) along with safe walking and cycling would be possible.
i) Study with experts and citizen participation are mandatory before taking such vital decisions.
ii) A modern underground metro will significantly contribute towards making the high density suburbs an integral part of an advanced global city of the future. When Mumbai’s contribution is maximum to the National Exchequer, why can’t we have an underground metro like Delhi or Kolkata?
To sum up the IIT Report says it all. “If the government is really caring for the public and wants to solve the future problems for mass transport, they must go for the underground metro for the whole length. Economic viability and bankability of the underground metro is far more superior than the elevated metro. The underground metro will contribute positively to the quality of life in the city for several generations.”(Shyama Kulkarni is the trustee of the NGO AGNI)

This is a first in a new series by guest columnists writing especially for The Times of South Mumbai.

Sources: The Times of South Mumbai

Western Railways refuses 4-hour break for metro project - DNA, 2nd Nov, 2010

Published: Tuesday, Nov 2, 2010, 2:40 IST 
By Rajendra Aklekar | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA
The Western Railway (WR) on Monday said it would not be able to stop the city’s lifeline for four hours to facilitate work for the metro railway project
The Mumbai metro and MMRDA authorities had asked for four-hour halt in suburban services for 57 days on WR to allow them to put up a rail bridge over Andheri station.
“We can’t stop the rail services as they are the backbone of the city. The metro authorities had initially asked for 2.5 hours in their preliminary request, which they upgraded to four in their second proposal. We have a time of some two hours between the last train and the first train and cannot spare more time than that,” Sharat Chandrayan, WR chief spokesperson said.
The Versova-Andheri metro railway will be running across the WR line at Andheri station. WR engineers said the Metro is laying a ‘through plate girder’ bridge over the Andheri station area and this particular process is a time-consuming process.
“There are many other better options and technologies available today and we do not know why the metro team has decided on this technology,” a senior WR track engineer said.
Railway officials said they had already issued permissions to the metro authorities as and when they had asked for, but giving a four-hour break would not be possible.
“The Metro engineers should give us a comprehensive plan in one piece and we shall try and work out a solution to the issue,” Chandrayan added.
Mumbai Metro One Pvt Ltd director KP Maheshwari told DNA that the company had applied for a four-hour power block to be taken on the WR route so as to facilitate the timely completion of the rail overbridge at Andheri.
“However, if the WR officials have a constraint about giving permission to the power block, a suitable solution agreeable to both the parties needs to be found out,” said Maheshwari.

WR refuses to increase block time for Metro - Hindustan Times - 2nd Nov, 2010

Shashank Rao, Hindustan Times
Email Author
Mumbai, November 02, 2010

The much-anticipated first run of the Mumbai Metro from Versova to Ghatkopar does not seem likely to happen in June 2011. Mumbai’s first Metro rail spanning Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar may not meet the deadline as the Western Railway (WR) has refused to allow a four-hour rail block at
The Mumbai Metro One Pvt Ltd (MMOPL) had requested WR to allow a four-hour block for 57 days so that girders could be launched on the Metro tracks to connect Andheri west and east. Three months ago MMOPL had asked for a two-and-half hour block for the same work, for which WR had contemplated giving permission.
WR officials say that under normal circumstances, they can allow a block only during night hours at Andheri between 1.45 am and 3.45 am, hence MMOPL’s demand for four hours was just not possible to meet. “If we increase the block hours then it will certainly affect train services, inconveniencing lakhs of commuters,” said a senior WR official, on condition of anonymity.
MMOPL on the other hand said they would be okay even if the WR gave them a two- or three-hour block at different times as this would give them scope to begin their work. “We can meet deadlines only if we get time to start and complete the work,” said KP Maheshwari, director, MMOPL, who seemed confident of meeting the June 2011 deadline.
WR wants to have a meeting with MMOPL to discuss all details minutely before giving them permission to carry out the work.
“The drawings sent to us by MMOPL aren’t complete and we have given permission for whatever has been submitted in their piecemeal plan,” the WR official added.
“We will be examining the final comprehensive plan before giving them permission to carry out this work in totality,” said WR chief PRO, S Chandrayan. The MMOPL will also have to get permission from the commissioner of Railway Safety before carrying out any physical work.
Meanwhile, the MMRDA, too, is aiming to complete all civil work by June 2011.

Metro's VAG line runs into yet another hurdle - Times of India -2nd Nov, 2010

MUMBAI: Monday dealt another blow to the city's Metro rail dream. Hurdles in the way of constructing Mumbai's first upcoming Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar (VAG) Metro rail corridor seem to be mounting with it showing no signs of completion yet. 

WR has refused to offer four hours of train-blocks, for 57 days, for the construction of a crucial Metro rail bridge above the tracks between Andheri (E) and Andheri (W).

According to WR officials, a four-hour block for 57 days as asked by the MMRDA at Andheri station would not be feasible. Mumbai Metro One Private Ltd (MMOPL), a special agency set up under the leadership of Reliance Infrastructure and MMRDA is building the 12- km long Metro line costing around Rs 2,500 crore.

Chief PRO, WR, Sharat Chandrayan said that three months ago, the MMRDA had asked for a two-and-a-half hour block. However, a detailed planned was not attached. "The details were all piecemeal. Now they have asked (unilaterally) for a four-hour block again without a scheme in place," he said.

He added that trains at Andheri do not run between 1:45 and 3:45 am. WR is not ready to cancel trains. "Not running trains for four hours cannot be absorbed by the city. We will examine the proposal and request them to give us a complete scheme so that we can consider it in totality," he said. The approval of the design for the Metro bridge to be constructed between Andheri east and west, near the railway station came after almost a year of follow-up. MMOPL has suitably changed its design to match the standards approved by the railways.

MMRDA recently extended the deadline for completion of the VAG corridor from December 2010 to August 2011. MMRDA s sources and those who are closely monitoring the work, said the construction of the Metro line may not be completed by the new deadline of August 2011 as only four to five stations, out of the 12 stations, are near completion half-complete of the total 12 stations to come up on the corridor. At a few places, even the pillars and girders have not been constructed as yet.

Meanwhile, MMRDA spokesman Dilip Kawathkar said that there would not be any delay beyond August 2011. in commissioning the Metro line as more than 80 % of construction work has been completed. "Railways should try to come up with a solution so that the project is completed fast in the interest of Mumbaikars," he added.

MMRDA to meet Metro rail deadline - Indian Infoline News Service - 3rd Nov, 2010

MMRDA to meet Metro rail deadline

India Infoline News Service / 08:18 , Nov 03, 2010

As per the project status report, the first train of four coaches had reached Mumbai and stabled at depot on April 21, 2010.

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has compiled the detail progress report of the Versova,-Andheri-Ghatkopar Metro rail project following which the Authority is confident of completing the project within stipulated timeline.
As per the project status report, the first train of four coaches had reached Mumbai and stabled at depot on April 21, 2010. The second train has been manufactured and train level testing & commissioning is in progress. The train is undergoing routine & Type Tests in China in order to expedite the progress. MMRDA is expecting the lot of first six trains to be arrived by March 2011.
Mr. Ratnakar Gaikwad, Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA, said, “The Metro rail project work is not only pertaining to raising pillars on ground. There are many technical aspects involved in the project which need to be looked upon. We are happy that besides civil works, we have also completed many technical facets of the project.”
The detailed design of signaling and communication system is completed. Besides, all hardware components are manufactured and ready for dispatch. Software design of signaling and communication system is also completed and only fine tuning of the same is in progress

Pertaining to the power supply traction & SCADA, the Factory Acceptance Test is completed. OHE Mast erection works on viaduct have commenced. Marol Substation is in final stages of commissioning. All transformers and equipments are already commissioned and fine tuning is in progress. At D.N. Nagar Substation, three out of four transformers are installed and are expected to commissioned in next two to three months.

In the department of Depot Machinery & Plant, the design and Factory Acceptance Test of 11 major Depot M&P are completed. Delivery of Depot M&P is in progress. Train simulator, Diesel Shunting Locomotive, Re-Railing vehicle, Railcar lifting system, Bogie Test Bench, Automatic Wash Plant Electrical Tractor & cranes have been received.
The civil works of piling viaduct has reached completion stage of 83 per cent. The Pile Caps works are completed 63 per cent, Pier/Columns works are 63 per cent complete and 45 per cent works on Superstructure Casting is completed.
Western Express Highway Special Bridge
The foundation and pier works on Western Express Highway are completed. On P167 one Pier cap is completed and first and second states of concreting of the Pylon are completed. On P166, first stage of concreting of pier cap is completed and bridge cables are received.
Andheri Special Bridge
Piling work on Andheri Bridge has commenced. GAD & Erection Scheme has been approved by Western Railway. Approval on detailed design is awaited and approved final tracings have been received for P131. Besides, fabrication of one Girder of 61 meter has commenced.
Piling work on all stations is 78 per cent completed, 75 per cent pile caps work is over and 70 per cent work on columns is over.

Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar Metro to be completed on time: MMRDA -Hindustan Times, 2nd Nov, 2010

Press Trust Of India
Mumbai, November 02, 2010

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) on Tuesday said its ambitious Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar (VAG) Metro project would be commissioned on time in June 2011. "There were apprehensions about the project being completed on time. But now I can say that the entire project would be commissioned by June 2011, which is well ahead of the schedule. Nearly 68 per cent of the work has already been completed till date," Metropolitan Commissioner, Ratnakar Gaikwad, told reporters in Mumbai on Tuesday.
The project was awarded in 2007 and the commencement of operations was scheduled in 2012.
"But we have completed the project well ahead of the deadline. The work on the project actually began in 2008 after overcoming various hurdles. But we have managed to almost complete the project within three-years," he said.
The trial run of the first metro train has already been carried out, Gaikwad said.
"The second rake would arrive in the city by December-end and its trial run will be carried out in January.
By March, six rakes will arrive in the city and will start plying on the VAG route by June 2011," Gaikwad said.
Mumbai Metro One Private Ltd, a special purpose vehicle, a joint venture between Reliance Infrastructure, the MMRDA and French multinational Veolia was formed to undertake the first metro project worth Rs 2,356-crore.

Metro will come to city on time: MMRDA - Hindustan Times - 3rd Nov, 2010

HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times
Mumbai, November 03, 2010

Dismissing fears of any delay in the Metro rail project, the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) on Tuesday reiterated that work on the first phase of the Metro would be over by June 2011. The assurance comes after the Western Railway (WR) on Monday turned down a request to provide four hours each day for the next 57 days to complete the rail overbridge at the Andheri station.
Claiming that 68% of the work on the project was done, MMRDA metropolitan commissioner Ratnakar Gaikwad said that despite the roadblocks, the project was on schedule.
“The Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar route is one of the toughest to execute. However, we have
drawn up concrete plans on how to execute the rest of the project and we are confident of following the schedule.”
According to Gaikwad, the first Metro station to be commissioned would be the one at Asalpha in Ghatkopar.
“The station will be the first out of the nine to be completed. This will be over within the next four months,” he said, adding that barring one, all the other stations would be ready by April-end.
“The Western Express Highway station will be delayed, as the work there has been delayed. This one station will be ready by June 2011.”
Gaikwad, however, refused to concede that there would be delays because of the WR’s refusal to give Mumbai Metro One private Ltd (MMOPL) the four hours a day.
“We’ll speak to the WR officials and ensure that a negotiated settlement does no harm to our project.”
A senior MMRDA official, however, said delays would be inevitable.
“We will have to sit down with the WR officials and try to reach a settlement. They had told us that they could only give two hours every day, between the last train and the first train. Hence, we’ll have to push ahead the completion date by a few days.”
According to architect and planner Nitin Killawala the MMRDA’s claims are hogwash.
“There is no way these authorities would have completed 68% of the work.”

Metro fare hiked by Re 1, even before opening - Indian Express - 3rd Nov, 2010

With eight months left for the commissioning of city’s first Metro rail corridor, the ticket fare has already been hiked by Re 1. The hike for the for the 11.4 km corridor will come into effect from January.
As per the agreement between Reliance Infrastructure Ltd (RInfra) and MMRDA, the fares for the corridor will be hiked after every three years. For the determination of the fares, MMRDA has taken the base year as one-and-a-half times the fare of BEST bus in 2008. “It is as per the agreement and therefore the hike will be revised at 11 per cent every fourth year and round off to the nearest rupee. In this case it will be a one rupee hike; Rs 10 to Rs 11,” said Ratnakar Gaikwad, Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA.
Meanwhile, the MMRDA maintains that the construction of the Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar corridor will be completed by June 2011. Gaikwad in a press briefing went on to say that the project is “ahead of schedule” as per the concession agreement in which the construction period is five years. “We have worked out the timeline with RInfra on how to complete the work by June next year. Against heavy odds, the VAG corridor will be complete by June 2011,” said Gaikwad. The concessionaire and MMRDA had earlier set a deadline of 2010-end for the commissioning of the corridor which was missed due to several hurdles.
The hurdles— construction of a steel bridge over Andheri suburban railway line and a cable stayed bridge over Jog flyover on Western Express Highway— still stand before the authorities. Gaikwad claims that all the aspects of the construction are on schedule. “As on today 68 per cent of the work has been completed on the corridor which includes via duct, signaling, track laying and rolling stock. The rail system is exactly on schedule. All the 24 coaches will be delivered by March. The DN Nagar depot will be ready by this year end. And we will have a trial in January. This won’t be a ceremonial trial, but a full-fledged trial before the commencement of the corridor. Eighty eight per cent of the work on the stations has been completed and Asalpha will be the first station to be commissioned by March while WEH station will be the last station to be completed by June.
“We are working on the mega block issue with the railways for the construction of Andheri bridge. We are hopeful to finish it in time with a combination of weekly mega blocks and regular two hour work at night,” Gaikwad said.