Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Underground Metro ideal, but not feasible: MMRDA - Hindustan Times: 10th Nov, 2010

HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times
Mumbai, November 10, 2010

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has made its stand on the underground metro clear. Metropolitan commissioner Ratnakar Gaikwad said it was an ideal solution, but not economically feasible for Mumbai. Nearly 21 citizens groups from JVPD and Bandra had a meeting with top officials of the MMRDA on Tuesday to put across their demand for an underground Metro. Gaikwad said the decision is now entirely on the state government.
Hansel D'Souza, president of Juhu Citizens Welfare Group, made a detailed presentation explaining why the citizens were against the elevated metro. “Compared to Chennai, Bengalooru, and Hyderabad, our city is getting the metro at a very high cost. Then why can't we have an underground metro by paying a little more?” questioned D'Souza.
“The underground railway will come at an extra cost of Rs 56,000 crore,” Gaikwad explained to the group.
The MMRDA is presently building nine Metro corridors estimated to cost around Rs 47,000 crore. However, this figure is likely to increase since the estimates are not based on the current market scenario.
While addressing the citizens' grievances, Gaikwad said: “The JJ flyover is an example of how citizens have suffered during the construction period. However, if people start cribbing about their privacy being lost due to projects such as the Metro, their pleas may remain unheard.”
BJP corporator Ashish Shelar, who was also present, suggested the citizens groups and MMRDA approach the state together to demand an underground line.

1 comment:

  1. MMRDA , Mr.Ratnakar Gaikwad is blowing same trumpet since last two years. However during this time cost for elevated train rose from original budget of abt 19000 crs to over 47000 crs. MMRDA is able to manage this increase. Further more this report says: quote "However, this figure is likely to increase since the estimates are not based on the current market scenario." unquote. Such increase to whatever extant for elevated trains in suburbs and specially underground Metro in south Mumbai, till the time contract is awarded or project is finished will be met by MMRDA as they have already committed and are determined for elevated trains to ruin suburbs of Mumbai city. ( one must note that contract are yet to be closed on this routes so the cost factor is uncertain as on date, further all contract will accommodate project awardees with safety against future cost increments). Can Mr. Gaikwad explain how they are always able to afford whatever increases for elevated train? Due to cost increase why they are not cutting down total length of elevated trains in city? why still they can afford underground metro in south Mumbai? Why he is not scrapping underground metro in south Mumbai and instead declare elevated train in south Mumbai and save money? and since last two years after public awareness why he making statements that MMRDA can not afford cost of underground metro and at the same they can afford all increases for elevated trains?
    As reported Ratnakar Gaikwad said underground metro was an ideal solution, but not economically feasible for Mumbai. as head of city development authority if he is unable to deliver best for the city I do not understand why he is imposing on citizens of Mumbai plans which are not ideal solution for Mumbai city, instead he should give way to better manager who could perform ideal solution for Mumbai city.

    Learned have said " WHERE THERE IS WILL THERE IS A WAY"
